Old World Classic Kangaroos

Race:  Human
Coach:  Watto

Old World Classic Kangaroos team badge
Bulletin board from the coach
Aug. 25th, 2024
Kangaroos Dull the Fangs
The Old World Classic Kangaroos have shown their fortitude and determination in a tough match against the latest opponent, The Maimy Dull Fangs.

A decent crowd attend and despite being a long way from their traditional home stadium, the fan numbers were greatly in favour of the Kangaroos.

As the match started, it was the Kangaroos receiving and it was the crowd getting over zealous, creating a Pitch Invasion and stunning 3 of the Dull Fangs’ players. From here the Kangaroos were determined to push deep with the ball into the Dull Fangs’ half. It proved to be a mistake though as they were soon dispossessed of the ball and scrambling to stop the Dull Fangs themselves.

After a few turns of scrambling though, they were able to turn the ball back over and sprint away to score a TD, but just as they reached the end zone, they tripped over.

The Dull Fangs tried to scramble after the ball themselves, but they too tripped and the ball was left free for the Kangaroos to scoop up and finally get the opening TD.

With a little time remaining in the half, the Kangaroos were able to keep the Dull Fangs at bay and gave them no chance to level at halftime.

As the second half began, the Kangaroos were outnumbered slightly, but they were determined to make life difficult for the Dull Fangs and were keeping constant pressure on them, stopping them from making any clean break.

As the game was winding down, the Kangaroos were finally able to knock the ball free, but weren’t in the strongest position yet to keep the Dull Fangs from getting it, but one bad block from the Dull Fangs ruined their chances and the Kangaroos were again able to just keep the ball far enough away from their opponents to secure the win.

With 5 wins the Kangaroos are looking likely to have secured themselves a finals spot, but their biggest test will come next round as they verse a veteran team in the Rusty Rams.
- Watto
Aug. 5th, 2024
Kangaroos create Dumpster fire.
The Old World Classic Kangaroos played their first of 2 consecutive high strength teams when they played the Lizardmen team, the Downtown Dumpster Dinos.

They Dinos came into the match a pretty much full strength whilst the Kangaroos were missing a Blitzer which would have been a handy addition to the team. Instead the Kangaroos looked towards a mercenary to help them out, in the form of a fouling Stunty Superstar.

With the teams on the pitch and ready to go, it was the Dinos who received first, but it was the Kangaroos that got the hop on their opponent and got the Blitz from the opening kickoff.

This allowed the Kangaroos to get right in the face of the Dinos and put the pressure on straight away, then from this point, they were able to show much more efficiency in their blocking and just kept that strangling pressure onto the Dinos.

As the first half progressed, the Dinos hoped they might force a small breakout as they just couldn’t keep the Kangaroos away long enough, just as they were about to make their break, they went for a dodge with the ball carrying Chameleon Skink, but completely forgot about him being marked by a player with tackle and soon fell over, dropping the ball into the waiting hands of a lineman from the Kangaroos.

Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, the Kangaroos sent the lineman dashing away and preparing to score his first ever TD. But with him in relative safety, the Kangaroos took their time and tried to remove a few of the Dino’s players from the pitch to make the second half a little easier. Whilst they managed to easily knock the Dinos down, they weren’t able to remove any, so once it was clear they couldn’t hold the Dinos at bay any longer, they scored and went into half time with the 1-0 lead.

The second half saw the Dinos come out determined and really put the pressure onto the Kangaroos and forced them into making a bit of a break for it themselves which left them in a bit of an insecure position. From this the Dinos were able to force a turnover and get the ball for themselves..

The Kangaroos recovered quickly though to put the pressure right back onto the Dinos and again, when the Dinos thought they might be able to make a little break, a failed dodge left them completely exposed and the Kangaroos were able get the ball back and again dash away. Helping the Kangaroos cause was some strong blocking and fouling which also removed a few Dinos from the pitch in the later stages and stopped their chances of stopping the Kangaroos.

The Kangaroos were able to score again on the full time siren and win the game 2-0. Next up for the Kangaroos is another high strength team in the form of The Maimy Dull Fangs where the team will look to continue on their pursuit of the finals.
- Watto
July 30th, 2024
Kangaroos bound over De Rata
The Old World Classic Kangaroos took on Hijos De Rata in their latest match. The Kangaroos were hoping to have earned enough money in their early matches to hire an Ogre, but had fallen just short which left them to face the newly hired Rat Ogre for De Rata with no big guy. But they did end up with some inducements out of it and decided a legendary lineman with guard and a fouling stunty superstar may help balance the scales.

The Kangaroos received first, but De Rata wanted to prove they were faster and Blitzed from the opening kick. The new Rat Ogre immediately got into the action, he didn’t hurt anyone though and soon found himself in position to be blocked himself and immediately injured.

With the big guy no longer a threat, the Kangaroos saw they had both a strength and numbers advantage and decided that the grind tactic was best at this stage.

As they slowly ground their way down the pitch they looked to get some throwing practice in, but the catching skills left something to be desired and it nearly gave De Rata a chance to get at the ball. Thankfully with a numbers advantage still, they were able to recover their own ball, but had put themselves in a position were the passing practice was no longer the viable option and instead just ran the ball in as the half time siren sounded.

In the second half, De Rata we’re down players still and tried for a quick score to level the game, however one Gutter Runner rushed too hard and tripped over his own tail, giving the Kangaroos the opportunity to get the ball themselves.

From here the Gutter Runner that tripped was Knocked Out by fouling and the Kangaroos were able to quickly and easily run down the sideline and score their second TD.

Now with just six players taking the field De Rata we’re more desperate to try get a TD and the Kangaroos were keen for a third. Both teams got themselves into potential positions to score, the Kangaroos aspirations to a hit when a Blitzer failed a block on the ball carrier and were completely shot when the Gutter Runners combined to dance around anyone in their way and score a consolation TD.

The Kangaroos won 2-1 and continue to push for a finals boirh in their maiden season.
- Watto
July 30th, 2024
Kangaroos deliver the Pain
The Old World Classic Kangaroos have come through their against the Pain Collectors managing to avoid as much pain as the anticipated to deliver and having dealt more pain than the Collectors would have anticipated.

The Kangaroos received first but were met with Solid Defence which hampered their initial stages of the drive as they had to take some more dubious blocks than anticipated. Undaunted and with a little daring, the Kangaroos carried on and worked for an opportunity that the Collectors may have not seen coming and successfully surfed a Chorf into the crowd to ease the pressure.

The Collectors were relentless though and pursued the Kangaroos as much as possible, again forcing the Kangaroos to have some guts and push the odds a little harder. And push they did, managing to break from from the pressure laid on by the Collectors before settling for the go ahead TD late in the first half.

In the second half, the Collectors found themselves constantly under pressure from the Kangaroos and at times, struggling for any relief to push the ball into an advantageous position.

It was a tense game of cat and mouse with the Kangaroos harrying the Collectors and then stoutly defending, but not making progress. This continued on until the final siren with the Kangaroos holding the Collectors at bay and suffering as many casualties as their opponent which was not anticipated by the Collectors.

Kangaroos won the match 1-0 and carried on with a successful start to their season.
- Watto
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WCL Season 15 Champion
BFL Season 3
Unigames Invitational S1

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