Match result

Unigames S2, round 7
Team badge
East Vic Park Bogunate

gate: 13 000
0 TD score 2
cas score
Team badge
Woodlands Scales

TD Scorers
Zet'Sla Dartingfang
Cha'Tul Speedtail
Foulers (no cas)
Sent off

50 cent cone
Badly Hurt'ers
Maz'Zar Bloodmaw
Zhar'Tal Scaledrake

Jetski Finance

Raz'Shok Ironhide
fans / random event
Completions by
TTM Completions by
Interceptions by
Deflections by

Jetski Finance
MVP awards to
Ska'Zul Bloodfang
Sustained Injuries

Holden McGroin Bounty (20000 gp)
Mark "Frogger" Read Bounty (20000 gp)
Niggling Injury
Xil'Li Feathercrest
Result added October 18th, 2024

Match notes

        - - empty - -

WCL Season 15 Champion
BFL Season 3
Unigames Invitational S1

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