Diane "Lefty" Wright

Diane "Lefty" Wright
Python Warrior Thrower,
Kalgoorlie U16s

   Draft List number: 5  

Value: 100,000 gp

Interceptions: 0
Deflections: 0
Completions: 8
Touchdowns: 0
Casualties: 0
MVP awards: 0
Unspent SPP: 2 (8)
Fouls: 0
Compl. seasons: 0





6 3 3+ 3+ 8+ Dodge, On the Ball, Pass, Safe Pass, Block

Sustained Injuries: none

Plays for Kalgoorlie U16s with number 5.

Yes. Diane is a lefty. Yes. The team thinks they are hilarious. And no. Diane does not think they are funny. She is only here because her mum signed her up and told her she has to play or else she'll turn off the internet when she gets home from school.

Diane is an only child, and has the enviable position of owning the best home computer setup, which means she usually is volunteered to do the printing and signing up the team. She's picked up a lot of accounting skills, because for some reason the coach gave her control of the team's finances- which explains all the bloodweiser kegs.

WCL Season 16 Champion
BFL Season 4
Unigames Invitational S2

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