Orange Zoggerz

Race:  Black Orc
Coach:  Shake&bake
"We score wif broken bones and shattered teef!"

Orange Zoggerz team badge
Bulletin board from the coach
Jan. 28th, 2025 - NEW !!!
A Victorious Start
The recent debut match-up of the newly formed division one team for the Orange Zoggerz saw an amazing glimpse into the future of this greatly anticipated line up of rising star players. Nothing says “good orc blood bowl” better than seeing a long line of knocked out players in the opposing dug out, something the Wight Fangs were not one hundred percent prepared for in their first match of the season. With an amicable win of 1:0, with only two injured Wight’s limping away with no lasting effects, the Zoggerz potential has not been left unrewarded. Today, the Zoggerz coach, Gorax Jawbreaker, has announced a one-time partnership with the illustrious athletic apparel brand; Orcidas. This generous sponsorship has guaranteed the team will be kitted out with the latest designs of iron cleats, as well as see the Orcidas CEO’s nephew, Ugluk “Grave-filler”, being signed for the season as #6. Ugluk has been nothing but an outstanding orc in his community, seeing a high level of physical contact in smaller league teams since he was but a starting git. We see a bright future for him, bringing much of the Orange Zoggerz motto to the pitch and beyond.
The Orange Zoggerz will be playing against the Ass-Guardians this Wednesday night at 6:00pm. Be sure to get your tickets and bring your preferred throwable object for the fan interaction event!
- Shake&bake
Tournaments played:
Playing in:
Trophies won:

WCL Season 16 Champion
BFL Season 4
Unigames Invitational S2

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